Kloster St. Michael oberhalb von Lim


Der Legende nach wurde das Kloster St. Michael oberhalb von Lim zu Beginn des 11. Jahrhunderts vom Heiligen Romuald gegründet, der zuvor als Einsiedler in einer Höhle im Lim Kanal gelebt hatte. Von der einst sehr mächtigen und einflussreichen Abtei sind heute nur noch Ruinen übrig. In der St. Michael Kirche sind die Reste romanischer Fresken erhalten, die ältesten Fresken Istriens erhalten, die man sich anschauen kann. Die Fresken gehen auf die erste Hälfte des 11. Jahrhunderts zurück und sind wahrscheinlich die am besten erhaltenen Fresken in Europa, die im Rahmen des süddeutschen Monumentalmalereikreises entstanden sind.

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№2 of 9 places in Lim Bay
№69 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 2 Ruins and archeological sites in Lim Bay
№3 of 101 Ruins and archeological sites in Croatia

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(12 reviews)
very good!!!
Our visit to the monastery was amazing and we enjoyed the sigh of the archeological sites that were lovely to see. The moment was remarkable and superb to experience as we toured around the monastery. The history of the place is interesting and catchy and gives an attractive affirmation. I recommend a visit to the place for anybody.
I really loved the architectural design of this church. It was built in the 11th century but it is still in good condition. Its history is pretty amazing. Seeing the frescoes of St. Michael was thrilling.
Great history that we had the chance to learn about and enjoyed our visit to the Monastery. We visited the archeological sites onsite and loved the experience and the opportunity to get to know the amazing things about the wonderful things that it holds. We also toured the monastery with the help of a guide and had fun and got the wonderful chance of getting to know the history of the place and the great things that it holds.
The design of the monastery was really mind blowing!! I loved the architecture and its environment.
I was fascinated with the frescoes all over the monastery. Very eye catching and intriguing work of art
My husband booked this tour as a surprise for our 20th anniversary. We loved it! The Big Bus is such an easy way to get around Paris and the cemetery gives you a quiet break away from the city.
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