Der Minerska Strand


Der Strand Minerska befindet sich in der gleichnamigen Bucht, entlang der Promenade durch den Kanal des Heiligen Antonius. Früher befand sich hier ein Militärstützpunkt, so dass der Zugang bis vor etwa zwanzig Jahren strengstens untersagt war. Heute ist es ein schöner Kiesstrand mit Betonteilen, der für jedermann zugänglich ist - er ist auch mit einer Rampe für Behinderte ausgestattet. Er ist von Pinienbäumen umgeben, so dass es in der Sommerhitze genügend Schatten gibt. Im Sommer finden hier oft verschiedene Festivals statt.

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№11 of 41 places in Sibenik
№731 of 2178 places in Croatia
№7 of 12 public beach in Sibenik
№516 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Place Type

public beach



Place Location

Minerska Beach, Šibenik


(4 reviews)
I had gone to this beach with my disabled relative and I was mesmerized by the fact that they were equipped with a ramp for them. The beach had both pebble and concrete parts. I also loved the fact that it was easily accessible.
Visiting Minerska beach was worth it in every way, getting to experience and learn the cultures of the locals through sightseeing and historical facts in the museum. The evenings are awesome and wonderful, i loved it
Had to visit this place after I heard there was a military point here. My imagination just went vogue trying to imagine how much they used to enjoy this place.The beach is so calm and quiet. It has long beautiful pine trees that provide more than enough shade.There's a lot of pebbles but also concrete parts and a disabled ramp for allow easy access to the disabled. I enjoyed this beautiful beach.
very good!!!
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