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Reviews from guests

Showing 111 - 120 of 12647 total


06/04/2022 08:00

The nature of the beach is exciting and when we visited the beach we had a great time sunbathing at the pebble beach. Excellent beach although it lacks other facilities the place is enjoyable to visit. Remarkable time with my friends and we loved the beach experience with the rich nature.


10/02/2022 08:00

A touch of nature was all about the trip to the pebble beach that we visited with my family. Exceptional time that we spent at the beach and enjoyed swimming at the sparkling waters of the sea. The weather was great with hot temperatures and serene peaceful environment.


22/01/2022 08:00

I loved the feel of the wilderness while on this beach. The sea is covered with reefs and sea fauna which is easily spotted through the surface. I enjoyed snorkeling and it was a pleasurable visit. In case you get hungry or thirsty there is also a beach bar.


16/02/2022 08:00

Just but the best beach ever! The beach is covered with fine stones offering gradual access to the sea. I enjoyed swimming in the clear sea and the trees around created a cooling atmosphere.


21/04/2022 08:00

I enjoyed touring the wild side of this location. I explored the reefs and sea fauna that are easy to spot in this location. I also enjoyed touring the underworld and exploring the rich underwater world. I will visit again soon.


06/02/2022 07:59

My friends and I loved how this beach had a lovely semicircular coastline, the beach is made of fine pebbles and stones suitable for sunbathing.On the beach there is a fishing pier from which children like to jump. The entrance to the sea is gentle, convenient and very shallow.. There is no natural shade, extra facilities on the beach


30/03/2022 07:59

My first time to visit this beach was seven years ago and the memory is still vivid in my mind. The sea was turquoise blue with a paint of green and the availability of the pine trees created a cooling breeze.


24/04/2022 07:59

My dog, Carl, and I had a fun time playing in this beautiful location. We played hide and seek, and fetch. and many other games until he got tired. I enjoyed vacationing with my fur baby and am thankful for the convenience found in this location.


07/02/2022 07:59

We rented a Party boat and our friends joined us in celebrating our anniversary in the sea. I live to always remember this day and with four hours to enjoy the scenery we came back and enjoyed the party by one of he famous DJs. Next time we are glamping a the luxurious villas.


07/04/2022 07:59

This was a purely luxury at the beach experience! My friends and I had the most amazing time in this famous beach club. there was lots of entertainment and appearances by famous DJs. There was a yatch club and we hopped on the party boat that gave us a tour of the amazing cliffs here. There was a lot of rent options because of the numerous water activities. There are also luxurious and very classy villas. This was the best vacation ever!
Showing 111 - 120 of 12647 total