Tkalčićeva ulica


Tkalčićeva ulica glavno je zagrebačko središte kafića, restorana i ležernog noćnog života. Također poznat kao Tkalcha, sadrži desetke mjesta na kojima ćete pronaći nešto po svom ukusu.

Tkalčićeva je ispunjena životom. Brojni butici, tradicionalne trgovine, restorani, kafići i događaji na otvorenom ispunit će vam dan.

Nekada je to bio potok koji je dijelio dva najstarija zagrebačka naselja, Gradec i Kaptol. Zbog onečišćenja svih trgovina, tok je preusmjeren.

U razdoblju od 1899. do 1941. gotovo svaka kuća u Tkalčićevoj ulici bila je bordel. Budući da je u centru, svi prozori su morali imati neprozirno staklo i crvene lampione. Iz tog razloga, Zagreb je bio prvi grad u Europi s odgovarajućom četvrti crvenih svjetala.

Danas Tkalčićeva ulica nastavlja svoju stoljetnu tradiciju zagrebačkih obrtnika i trgovaca i jedna je od najatraktivnijih ulica u gradu.

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(15 reviews)
very good!!!
The street is full of life as it has numerous boutiques, traditional shops, restaurants among others. I collected a lot of souvenirs such as rugs, carpets from the traditional shops which i took to my life and she really loved them. As i walked down the historic street i was amazed by the sight of the famous statue and the coloured houses. It was an amazing experience to see old places, yet still have their charm intact. I loved most, the wonderful cuisines prepared in the hotels and cafes around.
Looking to purchase some souvenirs, this is the place to be. This street has a couple of traditional shops and boutiques. It is a very busy street with a lot of restaurants and cafes to try out croatian delicacies. Everything in this street is quite affordable. Nice place to see the daily life of people in this country.
We went shopping in the boutique with my friends and we loved the variety fashions to choose from. On our way back we sat on the beautiful benches which offered so much tranquility. We then toured the historical places nearby by the carriages pulled by horses and took a lot of pictures, it was superfun. The most precious moment for us was the massage session at the spa which was so relaxing. It was a cheap and affordable place to vacate with my friends.
I toured this place at night and I was impressed by its nightlife. The pubs and street events were full of life. There were a few carriages one could take a ride in and tour the street. It is a nice trading centre with an amazing history of the red light. It is fascinating how it has still managed to be a trading centre from the 19th century.
We visited the street in Zagreb and it was a wonderful experience. I went shopping on the botiques and the shops that offered the best of the things in town. I also attended the street event that was organised and the experience was unique. I could not leave without buying some of the good traditional things which were lovely and amazing to see.
Very cheap and affordable place to visit, the people were very welcoming and the weather was perfect
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