Otok Ugljan


Otok Ugljan nalazi se blizu Zadra i spada pod veće hrvatske otoke, njegova površina oko 50 km². Putem arheoloških istraživanja se otkrilo da je otok bio nastanjen još u mlađe kameno doba, jer su bila pronađena kamena strugala koja su stara oko 3000 godina. Također su tu dvije pećine koje još uvijek nisu arheološki istražene. karinja jama i pećina na Farču sigurno skrivaju u sebi i još starije ostatke.
Poznato je da prvi narod koji je živio na otoku su bili Liburni, pleme Ilira. Do dan danas su ostali vidljivi njihovi bedemi od kuća, koja su bila sagrađena na brdu Čelinjak.
Ugljan ima veliku obalu od 20 km, koja broji puno različitih uvala s netaknutom prirodom i kristalno čistim morem.

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№1 of 13 places in Ugljan
№156 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 1 Ruins and archeological sites in Ugljan
№6 of 101 Ruins and archeological sites in Croatia

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(7 reviews)
very good!!!
The moment i stepped out of the boat my feet loved the fine sands and warm waters, the barbecue was amazing and the music was enticing
Well, we love this place. My wife and I had the opportunity to tour through the countryside recently, and no visit to this part of the world is complete without a day spent at The Island of Iglijan. We loved exploring the island and picnicking along the beach. It was great for children, with the playground and nature trails."
I visited the seven villages in the north east part of the Island and loved the way the locals were friendly and taught me about their culture.
The sunset view from the island and the breeze hit different , it was like a therapy session for me and i most definitely loved it
The island had such a colourful beach, i enjoyed walking on it barefooted, the trees and the view were also beautiful
We enjoyed the visit to the island and the view from the ruins was spectacular. We went swimming at the sea and had alot of fun
In Ugljan we found 13 places. Show results