Utvrda Sokolac


Utvrda ili Stari grad se prvi put spominje u 14. st. kao središte gdje su dolazile brojne poznate ličnosti, jer je bilo iznimno reprezentativno zdanje, a u 16. st se prenamijenila kao mjesto za zaštitu od Turaka. Danas od utvrde nije ostalo skoro ništa, najočuvanija je Kapela Svetog Trojstva i ulazna kula, koje su bile u sklopu te utvrde, a ostali dijelovi se mogu raspoznati samo u tragovima temelja. Ime same utvrde je Sokolac, naziv koji se proširio u narodu nakon odlaska Frankopana s tog područja. Utvrda je povijesno imala različite funkcije: tijekom Frankopana i tijekom Vojne krajine (obrana protiv turaka) i zato se može vidjeti dva povijesna sloja. Frankopanski sloj možemo razdijeliti na više cjelina, na palas, kapelu sv. Trojstva te četverokutnu ulaznu kulu. Sve ove građevine su bile međusobno povezane, organizirane oko prostranog dvorišta u središtu.

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№1 of 9 places in Brinje
№136 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 1 Historic buildings in Brinje
№20 of 177 Historic buildings in Croatia

Place Type

Historic buildings



Place Location

Frankopanska 53, 53260, Brinje


(8 reviews)
very good!!!
The tour across the chapel, palace, and tower that I had was breathtaking. Their interconnection and partitioning to serve these three purposes is fascinating.
Sokolac Fortress was a very fascinating place to visit during our tour. We started from the top of the fortress and went around its perimeter where we saw many fascinating things. It was chilly when we visited, but it made us just want to wear warmer clothes. All of us had a great time during that day.
The views of the beautiful landscape from the old town Sokolac is fantastic and the sunset rays are spectacular with a touch of the amazing nature that it holds.
I visited the historical monument and loved the environment. It wasbreathtaking, i relieved my dream of seeing a fortress
Wonderful design and environment for photography which made my yearly calendar gift amazing . The fort holds good history and architectural ideas for future use.
Sokoloc fortress has an amazing watching tower. We entered the tower and viewed the surrounding places. A great tower.
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