Naturistička plaža Sovinje


Naturistička plaža Sovinje nalazi se unutar istoimenog kampa samo 2 km od turističkog i ribarskog mjesta Tkon, okružena borovim šumom i maslinicima. Plaža je pješčana i dobro skrivena. Kamp Sovinje je manji kamp, kapaciteta do 200 osoba, nudi priključak na vodu i struju, sanitarne čvorove, dječje igralište, teren za odbojku na pijesku, stolni tenis, košarku.

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№1 of 2 places in Pasman
№688 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 2 public beach in Pasman
№474 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Place Type

public beach



Place Location


(4 reviews)
With its extended sand beach, Nudist beach Sovinje was perfect spot for sunbathing in the warm sand. There are also fun activities to do while there and I mostly enjoyed playing the beach volleyball in the warm sand.
I visited this place once and I'm planning on visiting again. It feels nice walking on the sandy beaches and sitting under the shade of the tall pine trees. I also enjoyed playing basketball and made friends there.
I loved the camps that are just around the beach where you can go and get a good rest while charging your mobile phone or computer. The long pine trees also provided enough shade in case of very hot weather
very good!!!
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