Kajak, rafting


Nije ni čudo što se Zrmanja naziva ljepoticom - njezin rezervat biološke raznolikosti, izvor, pritoke, kanjon, slapovi, nepregledni izvori pitke vode i veličanstveni krajolici opravdavaju njezin nadimak. Iako je možda malo teško pronaći, svakako će se isplatiti. Možete birati između veslanja, vožnje biciklom i planinarenja, ali ako želite vidjeti kanjon, morate krenuti u avanturu zvanu kajak ili rafting. Zrmanja će vam i ovdje pokazati svoje drugo lice - Zvijer. Ako je razina vode visoka, omogućit će vam da doživite jednu od najuzbudljivijih tura u ovom dijelu Europe. Bez obzira želite li više uživati u prirodi opušteno ili avanturistički - Zrmanja će vas zasigurno oduševiti.

See more about Zrmanja river

№1 of 1 places in Zrmanja river
№271 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 1 natural areas in Zrmanja river
№8 of 88 natural areas in Croatia

Guides in this place

Place Type

natural areas


Zrmanja river

Place Location

Obala hrv. c.S. Zupana 6, 23450, Obrovac


(6 reviews)
very good!!!
I took my small team there for team building and the kayaking activity said say no more, it was fun riding the kayaks in the rocky rivers, i really loved the bonding session
Paddling through the waves and currents of the water was a fulfilling experience for me and my dad. We bonded through these activities
My family had an amazing time rafting along this river. The waters were white and it wasan adventurous experience
I had an amazing experience kayaking and along this river which was our team building activity. It was a refreshing moment.
We enjoyed kayaking as well as rafting on the wild waters of the river and it was thrilling passing the rapids.
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