Plaža Ovrata


Plaža Ovrata nalazi se u blizini kampa Paradiso. Prekrasno je uređena, a moglo bi se reći i rezervirana za goste kampa. Ova prekrasna, šljunčana plaža taman je dovoljna za goste kampa. Glavni dio plaže izrađen je od sitnog šljunka, a sa strane je obavijena u kamenu. Osjeća se prirodni ambijent, posebno zbog zelenila koje okružuje kamp i plažu. Noćno osvjetljenje iz obližnjeg kampa izvrsno je za večernje šetnje uređenim padinama kad zađe sunce.

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№1 of 1 places in Postup
№610 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 1 public beach in Postup
№401 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Place Type

public beach



Place Location

20244, Postup


(4 reviews)
The fine pebbled beach was the finest destination for our summer vacation and we enjoyed our time all through. We loved sunbathing and relaxing at the beach with some shade at the beach and the weather was great. Nice facilities that were instrumental to our comfortability and it was great to be at the beach.
A summer visit with my family could not miss a dive to the sea and enjoy the sparkling water and the amazing weather made it even more fun. Went swimming and explored a little bit of the sea. We had fun at the beach and lovely time to be there.
The bars and restaurants at the beach were the most entertaining things for us when we visited the beach. We had some few drinks and refreshments as well as seafood freshly prepared among other delicious dishes wells served at the spots. Remarkable place that we enjoyed to be at.
very good!!!
In Postup we found 1 places. Show results