Croatia > Foods > Winery > Potomje > Vinarija Bartulović

Vinarija Bartulović


Vinarija Bartulović nalazi se u Potomju na poluotoku Pelješcu. Poluotok Pelješac poznat je kao mjesto gdje nastaju vrhunska vina. Obitelj Bartulović ima dugu tradiciju uzgoja vinove loze i proizvodnje vina, a moderna etapa započela je 1989. godine odvajanjem od zadružne vinarije. Od tada je to vinarija koja prati moderne tehnologije, ali i posebnu pažnju pridaje ekološkoj proizvodnji. Vinogradi se prostiru na 3 hektara. Raspoređeni su na više manjih parcela, što omogućuje proizvodnju različitih vina. Godišnja proizvodnja je oko 12 tisuća boca. Oko 80% proizvodnje čini crna sorta plavac mali, a 20% bijela sorta rukatac.
U vinariji je moguće degustirati i kupiti vina.

№2 in 5 Winery from Potomje
№118 in 1804 Winery from Croatia

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(9 reviews)
very good!!!
Visit to this place was a pleasant experience. I really liked the way it is decorated and the architecture is beautiful. The wine we tried were amazing and well-priced.
When I visited i had a fantastic experience that I will never forget, the owners are very kind and knowledgeable as they were able to answer all of my questions with great detail. The best part of my visit though was trying their wines which were amazing and very well priced.
The tasting of wines in the winery was great. We tasted two white wines and Rukatac was our great choice.We also enjoyed the Bartul which is a red wine, and were given a Peljesac souvenir to take back home. Definitely worth a stop.
I walked through the three hectares of vineyard and learned how the wine is produced from the planting of the seed to the cellar containers.
We had a fantastic day hanging out with Mario at the winery, he was friendly and explained everything we needed to know about the winery and wines produced here into details. Mario's mother and sister cooked for us pasta dish and it was mouthwatering. The winery has kind people.
During our visit here, we went for a scenic bike riding downhill before going for wine tasting at the winery. We then took a fabulous meal which included homemade meats and cheese. The trip will remain memorable in my mind.
4 of 5 Winery from Potomje based on rating