Anna De

Anna De ico-vefified-1

Member Since Nov 2021

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Reviews from guests

Showing 261 - 270 of 581 total


17/01/2022 10:58

Thanks to the guide for recommending goggles, at least i had a good experience diving into the clear waters. At the premantura beach, i loved the rich fauna giving fresh air and lovely atmosphere of the surrounding. I toured 5 out of the 10 beaches in Pula.


09/01/2022 10:58

Lighthouse Beach was an oasis of peace and tranquility, i was able to meditate about my life and even rekindle my love with my fiance.Thanks to Kuje Bay for the spacious parking lot for vehicles and the spacious lawns that we relaxed at during the summer. Thanks for the good guide, it was a great vacation for me.


10/12/2021 10:58

The guide gave a detailed description of the Fortress of St. John and referenced the historical purpose of the location. I learned that it was built in 1646 and is 115 metres high from the city center and was built to protect Shibenik from Turkish attacks. I will bring my wife in my next visit.


30/10/2021 10:58

The Cathedral of St Jacob in Shibenik is an architectural highlight of the Dalmatian coast. The guide was vigilant in spewing the history behind this iconic building. I learned that it was constructed for approximately 100 years beginning in the early 15th century. Venetian architect, Antonio Dalla, was the initial overseer of the construction who passed it to Jurc Dalmatinac, and later Nikola Firentinac. I will visit the location again.


17/10/2021 10:58

We went to The Church of Ignatius a scene where the Game of Thrones was acted. Thanks to the precise and brief guides. They were very helpful.


04/12/2021 10:58

I felt excited to visit The Game of Thrones. The guide was of great importance for our five day your to this place. We had a great experience at the Kamerlengo towers. The view of the surrounding area from the tower was breadth taking.


04/12/2021 10:58

It was like a dream come to discover the scenes from gardens of King's Landings were shot.Dubrovnik boasts of picturesque old churches, monasteries, museums and fountains exactly as explained by the guide.Am glad i followed the guide.


24/12/2021 10:58

With the help of the guide we were able to navigate most of the places that are appealing to the eye through their charming alluring nature. It was an awesome experience to visit places where the famous film Game of Throne was shot. To me that was bringing a movie into reality.


19/11/2021 10:58

The guide was helpful in giving a brief overview of the history of the Cave with the Chapel of St. Anthony. I learned that it was named after Saint Anthony the Hermit and over the years it has been inhabited by various hermits including the Zadar nobleman Jeronim De Trico who was buried in the cave in 1615.


13/11/2021 10:58

The guide gave detailed architectural works that are present in the Church of Saint John the Baptist, which helped in understanding the construction process. I loved the Gothic-Renaissance architectural style with the bas-relief staircase on the south side of the church and the renaissance window at the foot of the bell tower.
Showing 261 - 270 of 581 total