Der Pjescana uvala Strand


Pjescana uvala ist ein Dorf, das, wie der Name schon sagt, direkt an einem wunderschönen Sand- und Kieselstrand liegt. Mit dem Schatten der Sonnenschirme oder dem dichten Blätterdach der umliegenden Bäume ist er ideal für einen ganztägigen Familienaufenthalt und wegen seines sanften Einstiegs in das kristallklare Meer besonders bei Kindern und Schwimmanfängern beliebt. Entlang der Küste erstreckt sich eine Promenade mit zahlreichen Restaurants und verschiedenen touristischen Einrichtungen.

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№4 of 14 places in Medulin
№484 of 2178 places in Croatia
№4 of 9 public beach in Medulin
№281 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Place Type

public beach



Place Location

52203, Medulin


(4 reviews)
The beach has a really beautifully decorated promenade with restaurants and bars full of delicious delicacies and awesome drinks respectively. There is also a family park for tourists with kids and recreational activities such as volleyball and boat riding. What i loved most about the place was the relaxation and peace in the evening as i walked along the beach.
It's a pebbled sandy beach with a dense canopy that makes it favourable for a family trip to the beach. The crystal clarity of the sea makes the beach even more beautiful,It is therefore the perfect place to visit for a change of environment. There are many restaurants and tourist facilities as well.
This is a sandy pebbled beach with a dense canopy of surrounding trees that make it ideal for a family visit to the beach. The crystal clear sea adds to the beauty of the beach, making it a nice place to visit to change one's environment. The numerous restaurants and tourist facilities made my visit even more interesting.
very good!!!
In Medulin we found 14 places. Show results