Die Bucht Palud


Die Bucht von Palud liegt 8 km südwestlich der Stadt Rovinj und ist heute der einzige ornithologische Park in Istrien. Das Wasser aus den benachbarten Hügeln und Tälern sowie aus den Quellen an der Nordseite fließt hier zusammen und verwandelt diese natürliche Senke am Meer in einen einzigartigen Sumpf.

Während des Bestehens der österreichisch-ungarischen Militärbasis in Barbariga wurde ein 200 m langer Kanal bis zum Meer gegraben, um die Entwicklung von Mückenlarven, d. h. Malariaüberträgern, zu verhindern. Durch die Verbindung von Meer und Sumpf hat Palud neue Bewohner wie Meeräschen und Aale angezogen, Arten, die das Brackwasser lieben. Die Vielfalt der Zugvogelarten ist das wichtigste Merkmal dieses Sumpfes. Ornithologen haben den Aufenthalt von über 200 Vogelarten auf Palud festgestellt. Die zahlreichen Wanderungen im Frühjahr und Herbst sind eine hervorragende Gelegenheit, sie zu beobachten. Da der Park für Jäger verboten ist, ist er reich an Fasanen, Rebhühnern und Wachteln. Der nördliche Teil von Palud verbirgt einen echten Regenwald, und auf seinen kleinen Inseln nisten Möwen. Entlang des angelegten Weges gibt es einen Beobachtungspunkt, der es ermöglicht, die Vögel in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung und ihr Verhalten bei der Fütterung, beim Nisten oder beim Ausruhen ungehindert zu beobachten.

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№1 of 37 places in Rovinj
№20 of 2178 places in Croatia
№1 of 1 natural areas in Rovinj
№1 of 88 natural areas in Croatia

Guides in this place

Place Type

natural areas



Place Location

52210, Rovinj


(15 reviews)
it was so exciting to spot the speckled flamingo , other than that there are so many bird species that i felt overwhelmed and excited. Great place to pass your day if you love birds. Will recommend the palud ornithological reserve to bird watchers
The view of this beach was breathtaking. It is a great spot to watch birds. There were different species of migratory birds which are as a result of the swamp. I really enjoyed just sitting on the rocky beach and enjoying the scenery seeing the beach.
We visited the bay with my fiancee that had a variety of bird species. We enjoyed bird watching as they flew in and out of the water body. There were many species ranging from flamingoes to other major birds. We had the opportunity to go for boat ride and the experience was unique. The tour guide wa joyful and fun to cruise with. He was informative and slipped in some jokes that kept us entertained through the cruise not forgetting the amazing views that the landscape has to offer and the turquoise waters at the bay. Going to the beach i wouldn't miss to swim and the experience at the sandy beaches of Palud bay is therapeutic and would recommend a visit to the place for anyone.
very good!!!
The colourful marine and sea creatures are an eye catcher. My kids loved taking photos of the different species of the marine fish. The most fascinating item was the spectacular view of the sunset. I was awed by the different species of birds especially the specked flamingo. We enjoyed relaxing at the sandy beaches as we tasted the delicious cuisines of the Croatian dishes served by polite, friendly staffs.
We visited the Bay and had the opportunity to visit the observation trail and enjoyed the diverse range of fauna that inhabit the place. We also enjoyed a tour on the trail with the help of the guide and learned as well as saw different species of birds. The Palud Bay has an attractive look and the view of the landscape is completely superb.
We enjoyed the boat cruise round the bay and the view of the flora and fauna was spectacular.
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