Der Strand Palmizana


Der Strand Palmizana ist der älteste Urlaubsort in Hvar und wurde zu einem der zehn schönsten Reiseziele an der gesamten Adria erklärt. Er zeichnet sich durch schöne Lounge-Bars und Spitzenrestaurants, aber auch durch Buchten aus, die man sich kaum vorstellen kann. Der Strand Palmizana befindet sich auf der Insel Klement bei Hvar. Eine schöne Bucht mit einem Pinienwald im Hintergrund, ist felsig mit Kieselsteinen, und hier sind die erwähnten Top-Restaurants.die Insel Klement kann mit einem privaten oder Taxi-Boot von der Stadt Hvar erreicht werden.

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№2 of 49 places in Island of Hvar
№8 of 2178 places in Croatia
№2 of 42 public beach in Island of Hvar
№7 of 790 public beach in Croatia

Place Type

public beach


Insel Hvar

Place Location

Ul. Vlade Avelinija


(18 reviews)
It was a relaxing moment to have a taste of a variety of cocktail drinks as we enjoyed cool music playing in the background. The drinks perfectly matched with the meals that we took. Thanks to the waiters and waitresses who helped us in choosing complimenting cocktails.
The first thing I noticed about the beach were the beautiful lounge bars and restaurants. The people were super friendly and helpful and even showed us the bays that were out of this world! Amazing is an understatement. The beautiful pine forest even added an edge to the beauty of this beach! Definitely coming back.
We took a boat to the Island of Klement where we enjoyed swimming in the clear blue sea. The beach is mostly occupied by yachts and other boats which moor up close to the beach. The beach is covered with pine forest and is rocky with pebbles. If possible take trip to blue caves which is a splendorous and unique geomorphological natural wonder.
Pine trees dominate the place and offered a great shadow for us on our summer visit for holiday. The rocky and pebble beach was spectacular for us as we enjoyed the spectacular views of the sea. Beautiful restaurants and lounge bars offered great entertainment and remarkable resort ensured we had the best time at the beach.
we rented a boat to reach this beach , we rested at the rocky pebble beach. The rocky pebbles acted a good backdrop for our photoshoot. Will definitely come back soon.
This beach is the oldest in Hvar. Its beauty is captivating. I enjoyed a yacht ride. The view of the inland is spectacular at night when everything is lit up.
We had fun with my friends as we visited the beach and went swimming on the afternoon hours. The weather at the place was superb for swimming and we enjoyed every minute of our stay.
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