

Orlec ist die größte Cres-Siedlung im Inneren der Insel, die im 16. Jahrhundert gegründet wurde. Jahrhundert gegründet wurde. Es gibt nicht viele Einwohner, und diejenigen, die hier dauerhaft leben, sind in der Viehzucht tätig und führen einen traditionellen Lebensstil. Die nächstgelegenen Ortschaften sind Loznati (4 km nördlich), Valun (5 km nordwestlich) und Vrana (5 km südlich). Die Strände in Orlec sind sehr schön und ziehen die Touristen an. Interessanterweise haben Gänsegeier ihre Nester in der Nähe von Orlec.

№509 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

The Orlec Maps


(4 reviews)
The traditional way of life of the inhabitants was remarkable ;i was delighted to learn about their traditional cooking method and their customs. I was fascinated by the traditional ways in which they make different milk produce, i loved the skim milk more. I really learned a lot during my stay here.
I and my friends loved bird watching. This place had a great variety of birds. We watched and identified the different species of birds. Griffin vultures which had nests here were our best. We enjoyed ourselves here.
Seeing the griffon vulture added to the amazing experience of the beaches located in Orlec, being able to experience the traditional lifestyle of the local people makes the visit even more interesting. Overall a wonderful place to visit for a new experience.
very good!!!