Der Kozjak See


Der größte See der Plitvicer Seen hat eine Fläche von 81,5 Hektar und ist mit einer Tiefe von 47 m auch der tiefste. Ein Boot verlässt den Kozjak-See und fährt in Richtung Gradinsko-See. Hier beginnt die eigentliche Reihe der atemberaubenden Wasserfälle, und die "prshtavci", d. h. der Große und der Kleine Prshtavac, sind besonders aufregend. Der Name Kozjak stammt von Ziegen, die der Legende nach auf der Flucht vor Wölfen den zugefrorenen See überquerten und im Eis untergingen.

№314 in Lakes of Croatia

The Der Kozjak See Maps


(10 reviews)
very good!!!
The boat ride to Gradinsko lake was amazing and i got a chance to finally take pictures of a large water mass, very bright. The picturesque greenery around the lake was spectacular. I loved it.
I went for a picnic at the lake with my friends and the location was very perfect. We bought some food and refreshing drinks from the nearby restaurant and to my amazement we were given trash cans to but the litter. Very thoughtful.
After spending the morning fishing with the residents, the best part of the day was spent on the sun loungers. The clear blue skies and the warm air was lovely. We were given free sunscreens.
The climatic condition at this place was cool and calm compared to the city climate. We hired a guide who took us around, he took us to the famous place where goats were said to have perished in the ice-cold river while running away from wolves. We took pictures to send home.
Thrilling experience at the lake as we cruised through the lake on a boat together with my family. The nature that surrounds the lake as well as the landscape is breathtaking and we had the best time of our lives. My son could not stop talking of the wonderful time we had on the trip.
I enjoyed staying in Nova Gradishka which has a beatiful climate and temperature. Plan to visit this place.