

Grimalda ist ein weiteres altes istrisches Dorf, das auf 447 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel liegt. Es wird erstmals 1202 in schriftlichen Quellen erwähnt, als es unter die Herrschaft des Patriarchats von Aquileia kam. Im Ort gibt es zwei Kirchen, die beide dem Heiligen Georg geweiht sind. Heute kann man in Grimaldi die gleichnamigen Spitzenweine genießen, die gut zu den lokalen istrischen Spezialitäten aus Boškarin passen. Die Einheimischen bezeichnen diesen Ort auch als Aussichtspunkt Istriens, denn von Grimalde aus hat man einen der schönsten Ausblicke auf ganz Istrien, auf die Ruinen, die an vergangene Zeiten erinnern, und vor allem auf den großen blauen Stausee Butoniga, der das ganze Gebiet bis nach Pula mit Wasser versorgt.

№142 in Villages and settlements of Croatia

The Grimalda Maps


(16 reviews)
I was here for a spiritual experience. I visited the churches in this place and felt spiritually uplifted. I later visited the lake which was the main supply of water in the whole region. My guide here was knowledgeable and friendly.
From Grimelde we enjoyed the panoramic views of the whole Istria. We are glad to have visited this place as we felt the Istrian vibe through the food specialities and Mediterranean wines offered here. Will definitely come back for more.
The churches dedicated to St George helped us grow our faith in God and even replenish our beliefs and Faith in God. We toured the large Blue Accumulation Lake and true to therapists, water is a stress reliever and a relaxant. Our trip at the lake turned out to be therapeutic.
This place has been in existence since the 13th century. During my stay in this town I visited the two churches in this town and I loved their history. I also visited Lake Butoniga and it was a good glimpse of nature. For all nature lovers this is a must visit for a simple nature walk.
I passed by this town and I was impressed with their quality of wine.From this town one could see the whole of Istria. I loved every moment Spent here. The people were really friendly.
The two churches in this location dedicated to St. George are historical landmines. I enjoyed touring these churches and admiring their interior and exterior decoration. I learned about the historical background of the buildings and enjoyed my visit.
The food and drinks served in the restaurants and cafes in this location are extremely delicious. I particularly loved the Istrian specialties like Boshkarin and the quality wines of the Croatian label. My fiancee and I enjoyed going on date nights while in vacation here.