

Ribarski obrt Pisanica obiteljska je tvrtka  na otoku Hvaru sa mrijestilištem u Sućurju i uzgajalištem u Bogomolju. To je specijalizirana trgovina, odnosno školjkarnica koja nudi dnevno svježe školjke, ribu i ostale morske plodove lokalno ulovljene iz dubina Jadranskoga mora.  Trenutna proizvodnja od 130 tona proširuje se na dodatnih 250 tona u prvoj fazi i na 600 tona u narednoj, a nakon toga godišnja proizvodnja narasti će na preko tisuću tona ribe i 300 tona školjaka.  Neke od riba koje se ovdje uzgajaju uključuju: labin, komarča, hama te ukusne kamenice i dagnje.


№1 in 2 Oysters and shells from Island of Hvar
№182 in 1804 Oysters and shells from Croatia


Otok Hvar

Food Location

Pisanica d.o.o, Bogomolje, Hvar


(5 reviews)
The beauty of this restaurant is that it is right next to the sea. You can enjoy your meal as you feel the breeze or enjoy the view of the sea. Their oysters were exceptionally spicy and extra juicy. It was yummy.
very good!!!
The labin at this fish farm was tasty. They just used the right ingredients were added in right proportions
This fish farm is located next to the Adriatic sea. Its menu is basically sea food. I really loved how their fish is locally obtained. Their recipes were quite unique.
I highly recommend this place to anyone who loves shellfish. It is full of fresh tasty shellfish and other seafood.
1 of 2 Oysters and shells from Island of Hvar based on rating